Vacuum Cleaner sucking us dollar's

by Astha Mishra

WordPress Websites For Business? It’s Risky, People!

A Wordpress website can cost you clients! Let's go through reasons why a WordPress website can be a risky choice for your business.


A WordPress website will cost you more in the long run even if it seems pretty cheap at the beginning. Slow page loading, bad SEO, website vulnerability, crashing websites are the few issues most people aren't aware of when signing up for WordPress.

That being said, WordPress is definitely not a bad choice for maintaining a blog or a side business. But, if you are using it for your only business, something that is your main focus, then do think twice and make better investments.

Let's go through all the reasons one by one to help you understand why a WordPress website can be a risky choice for your business.

Slow page loading speed

A smiling women

One of the biggest disadvantages of using WordPress websites is that they load too damn slow. A slow page load speed negatively affects customer behaviour and more often than not, can cost you potential clients.

Consider this: you're recommended to go to a cafe with one of the most astoundingly beautiful interiors but as soon as you reach the gates, you find out you have to push it a little harder to get through because the door gets stuck every single time and it's just too much of an effort to go there.

Would you want to go back to a place like that no matter how good the interiors are or how great the food is? Because what's a great restaurant that can't even get its door fixed? Your website's page loading speed is very much like a door to your website's interiors and the services that you offer. You wanna make sure the entry is smooth.

Ideally, it shouldn't take more than two to four seconds for your website to load. If it takes anywhere more than 6 seconds, then trust me, you have definitely lost a client or two and will lose more if you don't solve this problem.

Lots of plugins needed for additional features

Multiple spoons and spices

This one actually counts as both the good part and the bad part about having a WordPress website. A plugin is essentially a set of codes which works as the building block of a WordPress site and introduces a specific feature.

So every time you want a new feature added to your website, a new plugin gets introduced which might or might not be free. Let's get this straight - WordPress was never originally designed to do more than be a relief to bloggers. The original software doesn't do all the extra stuff that the tech-savvy generation wants today.

That's when plugins come into play - they give you those extra features without messing with the original code. So what's the problem with it, you ask?

The problem is that each plugin introduced just makes your site bulkier and becomes counterproductive for its overall functionality. Extra plugins also mean that any two of them might not get along well (because different plugins are made by different people) resulting in poor website performance. And on a more cautionary note, they might be a possible doorway to malware and hackers.

Frequent theme and plugin updates

Frustrated women

This again goes back to the abundant plugins flood that WordPress can bring into your life because it can't function properly otherwise. It's an open-source software which keeps getting updates all the time - sometimes, as many as five times in a month!

If you do not keep up with these updates, some of the plugins you use can be rendered useless. And if you are using too many of them, then compatibility issues between different plugins can be caused. These problems can even cause your website to crash. So to keep up with the frequent updates, you would need to have either the money to get it done or the knowledge to do it yourself.

And it doesn't end here! Sometimes, updating certain themes and plugins renders them useless and something might break or simply stop working. This here is an example of compatibility issues. Manually built websites usually don't have such issues and you won't need to get them patched up every now and then just to have them work properly!

Poor SEO ranking

2 man with iPad

Now that's gonna be a bit hard to believe - after all, WordPress is known to be an SEO friendly website! Well, yes and no. Like any open-source CMS out there, WordPress definitely is SEO friendly if you know and understand SEO.

One of the biggest and most commonly known problems arises when your content is over-tagged and/or marked in several categories. In this situation, Google is very likely to flag it as duplicate content and then there goes down your SEO ranking.

Now, this issue can be tackled easily by staying up to date with SEO rules and some other basic awareness.

Another issue is that with additional plugins, WordPress only provides you with basic optimization. And when you do add more plugins, well, you know, it slows down the loading speed causing the very first problem we talked about.

Website vulnerability

Anonymous hacker

This problem arises owing to the fact that WordPress is an open-source software which often makes it an easier target for hackers and malware. WordPress website heavily relies on plugins and themes for better functionality, which often becomes counterproductive.

Most of these plugins and themes are developed by different people and companies and there is no authority monitoring them. Even reliable security plugins aren't always secure enough.

You can pay for the best plugins and themes and still risk your website.It'll be like literally paying for your own destruction. Not just malware and viruses, WordPress is also notoriously vulnerable to security hacks.

Seriously, just do some Internet research and will find out that WordPress is the most hacked platform worldwide.

The verdict?

7 mystery doors

Well, you already know what I'm gonna be saying, don't you? WordPress, often sold as a cheaper and easier alternative to manual websites, can actually cost you a lot in the long run. High maintenance and not so cost-effective, WordPress is a very risky choice for building a website which is supposed to bring you customers and work.

It's not even like these are a one-time huge investment - it strips you of your hard-earned money little by little. And you don't just lose money, you also go through the whole headache of getting it fixed again and again.

And the investment in WordPress doesn't just haunt you in the form of updates - it also troubles you with frequent shutdowns. You might not even be aware of the fact that your website had been down for more than a couple of days.

These problems, even though bad for everyone, are especially bad for you if you are running a business that brings your money and independence.

So don't just go along with the masses - make the smart choice and do your research before investing!

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