by Karan Bhatt
Globally, most Architects and Interior Designers embrace and acknowledge the transformative potential of the Internet.
Many young firms are learning from their peers and correcting their course, but there are still many who believe that word of mouth is the end all and any investment in "marketing" is nothing but a farce. Marketing has such a negative reputation in the industry that it calls for a separate discussion of its own.
For now, I am going to explain why a good website is indispensable for any Architecture or Interior Design firm in the world. If your current website is barely giving you any business, that means you are fighting with a wooden sword.
Let’s see if you are reaping the full potential of your website or not. If you have a website and it isn't providing you the benefits described in this article, you might want to make some changes. This article is not just about what a website can do for you, it is about what a website should do.